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What is Raw Pawtential's philosophy about dog training?I am considered a balanced trainer, incorporate all 4 quadurants of operant conditioning. I try to keep an open mind and a "positive first" mindset about training. In addition work with both the handler and dog to best suit their needs where both parties are comfortable and thriving. I like to think that dog training is about building an incredible bond between owner and their pet, where both parties are happy and thriving. To reach this, I believe that dog training is a two-way street and both owner and dog has to work hard to allow proper communication with one another. This is why I always preach obedience and engagement, if you can trust your dog to hold their obedience then you can take the time to advocate for them; creating trust. However, if your dog cannot hold their obedience, you will not be able to trust them and not allowing you to advocate for them. This then create your dog to not trust you since they are not being advoacted for, and now feels the need to protect themselves! If neither puts in the work, there will be no growth so be prepared to work!
Do you offer any guarantees for your training services?Short answer, no. This is because we are working with living, breathing, free-thinking people and animals. And it is your responsiblility to maintain the new training plans with consistancy and patience.
Should I enroll in Board & Train or In-Home Private Sessions?Board & Train: This is a great option to build a foundation of structure and instill new rules/routines for your dog(s). Also my most sought out program. Reasons to board and & train: If you do not have enough time to consistantly train (ie. puppy training during work, vacation. Cannot emulate situations for training consistantly Tends to over analyze dog behavior Hesitation when preforming training tasks Project your anxiousness towards your dog's behavior Best way to make a STRONG foundations for pressure training (Prong/E-Collar) Since your dog will learn all the skills and doesn't need to be taught new skills, you can just focus on your handling. But, this does not mean you do not have to do any training at all. It is important to continue the training after the B&T to reinforce the training/behavior. In-Home Private Training: If you are great at taking direction and learning new training tasks, while keeping yourself accountable to consistantly training. Reasons to do In-Home Private Training: Cheaper Learn with your dog, and start to understand your dog's quirks. Continue to build a strong relationship and build communication. Handler can take direction w/o hesitation (Can lead to confusion w/ hesitation) Will not make excuses for your dogs actions.
How many dogs do you board at a time?The max number of dogs I currently board is 6 at a time (This excludes my current dogs, Nova and Clover). The number of Board & Train at a time is 1-3 and boarding 1-3. Depends on the ratio of dogs, more boarding will lessen BnT spot significantly; less boarding will increase BnT spots.
Will I get updates/videos/pictures during my dogs boarding/board & train?Please understand that I am a one-man-show, I do not promise updates, video and pictures, as I had in the past due to large numbers of inquires I get daily. More I am on my phone or laptop, the less I am training your dog. However, I do posting videos and photos on my own accord both on my instagram page (@rawpawtential) and my facebook page every few days about all dogs in my care. I will also say, no new is good news! I will message immidiately if I notice any weird behaviors or health related issues that may have happened during my care.
Can I visit my dog during their Board & Train?Short answer: No. I really try hard to make my space a neutral where there are no pre-existing patterns or specific stigma towards my home and I. If you were to come in during our training, while I am building new habits and breaking old ones it can lead to regression during this very pivotal period. *There are exceptions made for dogs who show huge progress and a visitation can be held as a intermediate training session.
How do you utilize the e-collar/prong collar? Will it hurt?I use both tools as a way to communicate with my dogs tactically, especially when verbal communication is not strong yet. Using a Low-level e-collar training allows me to safely speak to your dog clearly what is and is not okay behavior. Prong Collar made by Herm Sprenger were designed specifically for dogs to put less to no pressure to a dogs' trachea when properly fitted. It EQUALLY puts pressure around the whole neck not like flat collars that will put all pressure on one area point on the neck, which can lead to long term damage to a dogs trachea/neck. Both tools will NOT hurt your dog, if anything you put less force/tension on your dog due to the higher communication and stronger bond with you. Proper and well timed corrections on a prong or a higher level on the E-collar can be uncomfortable, but this does not equate to pain. But is an effective and the LEAST emotional way to communicate that the offered behavior is undesirable.
What are your thoughts about different methodology of dog training?Whether people call themselves, force-free, reward-based, positive reinforcement, balanced, and etc, they are all resulting in one goal. The goal to reach a happy and awesome relationship with one's dog. I want to look at dog training with an open-mind with people coming from many different backgrounds and lifestyles, it's not my job to jump to conclusions and discriminate based on past/present/future methodology. I will advocate and keep you accountable to the training and guide to help bring you together with your dog.
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